Julie Sargisson – Manager Alzheimer’s Tauranga , thanked the club for our support being a commitment of $10,000 pa over the next three years.
Some of the symptoms of Dementia are Memory loss, communication and language, reasoning and judgement, visual perception and ability to pay attention. (As Andy Cameron noted, most men’s partners would suggest we all poses these symptoms !)
The reason Dementia is such a big problem is in 2016, 62,000 suffered from Dementia. This is expected to grow to 170,000 by 2050. Also the cost of care has risen 75% since 2011.
Volunteers are playing a huge part in providing assistance  with Governance, Administration, fund raising, walking groups etc.
Dean Forsyth – A volunteer talked about his help via supporting walking groups and offering support for male sufferers. A really worthwhile thing to be a part of.
As Julie stated – They may not know who you are or what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.
Also fun fact from Stuart Pederson – Playing Bridge wards off Alzheimer’s. (not a vote catching statement,  but TGA Bridge club believe this to be true).

Shelter Box.

Our very own Stephen Dorrington – in less than  normal controversial terms - gave a report on shelter box. 135,000 have been deployed world wide. Our donation of boxes can be tracked by the click of an I Phone, (by someone under 20 ). Each box costs $1,500 and our club sponsors 4-6 boxes a year.